GBDW Front Yards Revisited Wrap-Up

– Posted in: Garden Design

I was a little hesitant to repeat a GBDW topic, thinking that you all might be bored with the subject of front-yard gardens. Well, how glad I am that I was wrong! Our contributors this month have outdone themselves in generously sharing ideas and inspiration with other folks looking to turn their own barren yards[...]

Punctuating The Garden

– Posted in: Garden Design

Hah! I bet you thought I’d be posting about exclamation points! Exciting stuff! Focal points! But no, today I shall focus on the lowly, misunderstood, but oh-so invaluable comma. Let’s think for a moment about its role. According to Wikipedia, “the comma is used in many contexts and languages, principally for separating things.” So what exactly[...]

Take 10: Q & A with Chris Woods

– Posted in: Garden Design

Chris Woods worked at  Chanticleer for several years where he took it from being a private garden to an exuberant public ‘pleasure garden’.  Because of Chris’ vision coupled with the ability to execute it flawlessly, Chanticleer has become recognized as a world class garden. After several years as Executive Director there, Chris moved to California to take on some new horticultural[...]

Flower Silhouette

– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Photography

Photo editors and art directors love to use silhouette photos, cut-outs that give a bold graphic look.  Recently an editor asked me if I had any bold flowers on black background.  Rather than going through my files looking for something to transform with Photoshop I decided to shoot a new photo.