Just a few links this month, so let’s get right to them:
Silent Daffodils
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Photography March 19, 2010“Photograph silence” he asked ? OK, I’ll give it a try: ———– I saw the silence slip away as the dawn, rushed in effortlessly; revealing the daffodils mute; in awe of the wondering sparrow’s “twee… twee …eeet ?” now silent. again. ———
Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Entrance Gardens
– Posted in: Garden Design March 4, 2010This month’s Design Workshop topic was inspired in part by Great Garden Gates, a recent post by GGW Regular Contributor Debra Lee Baldwin. In there, she shared a gallery of photos showcasing over a dozen great-looking gates: some cute, some quirky, some classy, and all inspiring. Gates like these do double duty, adding personality to[...]
Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Walls and Fences Revisited Wrap-Up
– Posted in: Garden Design February 27, 2010A virtual pot of sweetly scented primroses to all of you who shared your thoughts on and images of garden walls and fences for this month’s Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop. Here are the posts…
The Ballad of Dry Betty
– Posted in: Garden Design February 6, 2010Dry Betty is a tough gal, a little yellowed from years spent in the sun, but stoic about her position in life—which is affixed to a tree stake waiting for rain. Dry Betty is the name I have given my rain gauge because where I live, dry is her most frequent condition. Although she is[...]