Banner for The Late Show Gardens
I suppose like me, many of us wonder what this word has come to mean. In the words of R.E. Faro official blogger for The Late Show Gardens (TLSG), the word : “drifts perilously close to lapsing into the orbit of junk words, satellites reflecting a bit of light but with not enough charge to stay in communication.”
There is just SO much to talk about this subject, and I am not the first to chime in. Sustainable experts are popping up all around. I don’t know who among you will be relieved or angered to hear that no-one knows much of anything about this, really.
[A previous post at GGW looked at the futile attempt to define “Sustainable Agriculture” at the Eco-Farm conference]
Says R.E in another post for TLSG: “Enthusiasm for “sustainability” is prompted primarily by fear, fear for our collective ass.” And now we all want to DO something about it. There is even a garden show.

TLSG designer Gary Ratway
The Late Show Gardens are coming up next month in Sonoma, California where (now quoting from The American Gardener Magazine) “The cognoscenti of the horticultural community emerge in the show’s line-up…”. What can a garden show do about saving our collective ass ? Well for serious gardeners somebody has to expand the conversation beyond organics and habitat. By bringing together a stellar line-up of avant guard designers and provoking speakers TLSG will surely move the conversation forward.
I won’t go into detail of all the biographies of all the designers and speakers, you can do that yourself on the website, but it is sure to be an event to satisfy the heart, head, and hand of any serious gardener. The heart to be warmed by the sensual delight of gardens, the head expanded by new ideas, the hand satisfied by vendors who will give us work to do with plants just in time for fall planting.
Part Chelsea Garden Show, part Bioneers, with a heavy dash of whimsy and a bit of garden rant the show should surely provoke and entertain. I know bunches of the folks involved with this thing and they are an irreverent and fun bunch. Do read more of R.E. Faro’s BerryPicking blog. Be there if you can, let others know even if you can’t.

A changing aesthetic
The photos here have been borrowed from Marion Brenner, garden photographer extraordinaire who will be speaking at the show about: A changing aesthetic – gardens, politics and culture.
Oh, and I will be there hanging a photo show “The Green Wall” a group of large photo canvases of succulents inspired by a layout in my Hardy Succulents book. Many succulents are used on green roofs, an emerging idea of sustainable design, so my exhibit will be a bit of a play on that concept. The exhibit design is a work in progress, two ideas here (for actual scale, the big sempervivum is 5 feet wide):

Green Wall 1

Green Wall 4
Well beyond my personal interest in TLSG and how anyone defines the word “sustainability”, we must consider our collective future if we want to save our collective asses. Two speakers at TLSG, Glen Withey and Charles Price say “With the concern growing every year over the impact we have on our environment, can a garden actually be ‘sustainable’? For the two of us, the jury is still out.”
What do you think?