How to Water Your Summer Garden

– Posted in: Seasonal Gardening, Succulents

If you live where summers are hot and dry, irrigation or the lack thereof can mean life or death to prized plants. These tips will help your garden survive the dog days.  — Check your automatic irrigation system. Trust me, it needs it. Watch for leafy growth blocking sprayers, clogged riser heads, and plugged drip lines. — Pay[...]

My Autumn Succulent Wreath

– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Plants, Seasonal Gardening

A garden club at which I’ll be speaking later this month asked if I’d donate “an arrangement for the raffle.” Sure, why not? I have several self-imposed criteria: It has to be a “wow” so attendees will buy tickets; it needs to be innovative and incorporate succulents; and it should be autumn-themed. Inspired by numerous colorful succulents in my garden,[...]