Geometry comes in really handy if you’re a gardener. All those neat shapes-circles, squares, rectangles and onwards-make great design motifs in a garden. I’ve got a number of circular areas, and another spot (in front of my shed) where I made a four-square garden (except it’s four rectangles). In any case, the repeated elements bring cohesion[...]
Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Incorporating Edibles
– Posted in: Garden Design November 1, 2008Flowers may feed the soul, but sooner or later, the body has to eat too. It’s great if you can score most of your food locally, and even better if it’s organically grown, but the ultimate in freshness and flavor has to be from edibles picked from your very own garden. There are all kinds[...]
GBDW – Sheds and Outbuildings Wrap-Up
– Posted in: Garden Design October 31, 2008Well, there weren’t as many responses to this topic as I’d hoped, but never mind: We still have quite a few great posts on the subject, and hopefully we’ll pick up a few more along the way. Most of us are blessed (or cursed) with some sort of outbuilding, after all; the question is whether[...]
Miraculous Blooms In The Fall Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design October 29, 2008It was two weeks ago, when we were still enjoying mid 50-60F weather, that I looked out to my woodland garden on the side of the house and saw what I thought were some white blossoms on a tree. It’s probably just wishful thinking, I said to myself. I meandered out there anyway, with my[...]
Where Elvis Lives
– Posted in: Garden Design, Miscellaneous October 27, 2008Storage has been at a premium here at Clatter Valley since we turned the garage into a painting studio for my wife. I was hard put for a spot for the lawnmower, assorted pots, hoses, tools and all the bric brac of gardening, so I built this 8×12 shed fronted with a 6×12 porch. Together they[...]