Making Waves

– Posted in: Garden Design

Geometry comes in really handy if you’re a gardener. All those neat shapes-circles, squares, rectangles and onwards-make great design motifs in a garden. I’ve got a number of circular areas, and another spot (in front of my shed) where I made a four-square garden (except it’s four rectangles). In any case, the repeated elements bring cohesion[...]

Miraculous Blooms In The Fall Garden

– Posted in: Garden Design

It was two weeks ago, when we were still enjoying mid 50-60F weather, that I looked out to my woodland garden on the side of the house and saw what I thought were some white blossoms on a tree. It’s probably just wishful thinking, I said to myself. I meandered out there anyway, with my[...]

Where Elvis Lives

– Posted in: Garden Design, Miscellaneous

Storage has been at a premium here at Clatter Valley since we turned the garage into a painting studio for my wife. I was hard put for a spot for the lawnmower, assorted pots, hoses, tools and all the bric brac of gardening, so I built this 8×12 shed fronted with a 6×12 porch. Together they[...]