What an enthusiastic response to this month’s topic! It’s not a surprise, though, considering how passionate most pet people are about their furry and feathered friends. From cats and dogs to chickens and camelids, our companions often have a great influence on our design and plant choices, and we don’t mind making allowances for their[...]
The Beginning of A Rain, Rock Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design February 26, 2009A note from our colleague and guest contributor, Ed Snodgrass: “I just built a rock garden out of boulders that has a water feature powered by my downspouts. Of course, it normally would only run when it rains. But these downspouts come off my green roof so water drips for days after the rain, thus[...]
Dogs in The Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design February 13, 2009Nan’s terrific GDBW of The Month for this February on pets in the garden has received alot of interesting responses. As a long time dog owner, I want to add my two cents to the mix. Although I’ve gardened my entire adult life, I didn’t become a dog lover until my daughter was 12, at which time[...]
Shrub border views
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Photography February 2, 2009A recent post on photographer David Perry’s fine site A Photogapher’s Garden Blog challenges his readers to spend 15 minutes and take a garden photo from a window in their house. Hmmm, I can waste 15 minutes . . . grabbed my camera and opened the door of my studio. Here is what I sent[...]
Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Pets in the Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design February 1, 2009Back in December, we talked about children in the garden, but they’re not the only ones who share our outdoor spaces. If you’ve spent any time at all traipsing around the garden blogdom, you’ve seen that pets often play as big a role in our gardens as our plants do. Big dogs, little dogs, and[...]