I’m one of those who believe the basic language of visual design applies to almost any topic or media. The ideas that make a successful garden vignette could also be employed to create a pleasing painting, a tempting textile, a beautiful building, or a fine photograph. There is a design language, and it does boast[...]
Oudolf Nursery & Garden- Hummelo, The Netherlands
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Visits November 3, 2009One of the highlights of summer was my first trip to Europe, specifically to Piet & Anja Oudolf’s nursery and private garden in The Netherlands. I went for their Grass Days. Much like Fran Sorin (as she noted in her fabulous three part interview last month), I am a huge fan of Oudolf’s unique style. His gardens[...]
GBDW – Coping with Slopes Wrap-Up
– Posted in: Garden Design October 29, 2009We’ve gotten some fantastic contributions for this month’s Design Workshop – solid how-to advice as well as a wealth of design ideas. So without further ado, on to the links…
GGW Design Lines: Big And Bold
– Posted in: Garden Design October 23, 2009Structure, to me, is all important in garden making. Without it, a garden usually looks wimpy, mushy, and kind of inconsequential. There are exceptions, of course, but I’m just saying. Anyhow, I like using manufactured items from time to time, but feel as if the basic bones of a garden should come from its plants. So[...]
The Fall Color Project – Pennsylvania Style
– Posted in: Garden Design October 19, 2009Dave at The Home Garden announced last month that he was repeating his popular Fall Color Project this autumn, and since then, I’ve been looking forward to sharing the fall foliage colors from here in southeastern Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, the recent four-day spell of cold, rain, and wind seems to have spoiled the best part of[...]