Do I sense a feeling that shrubs are coming back into fashion? Or at least that perhaps the New Perennial revolution has just gone a little too far? Over the last few years I have seen the odd article, one by Roy Lancaster and one by Dan Pearson on the basic theme of ‘let’s[...]
Garden on a windowsill
– Posted in: Bulbs, Garden Design February 13, 2012The January to March period in Britain is pretty dreary, its the dark getting you down as much as anything. Flowers growing on windowsills can make such a difference, and given my growing interest in bulbs, there is huge scope for making the most of light windowsills. We’ve got a nice long south-facing one in[...]
What Our Mothers Taught Us About Gardening and Life
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Musings February 1, 2012Benjamin Vogt lives in Lincoln, Nebraska where he writes and gardens and garden coaches. He has a little memoir entitled Sleep, Creep, Leap: The First Three Years of a Nebraska Garden, and blogs at The Deep Middle. Visit him at his main website, bevogt As a lot of you already know, Ben is an exquisite[...]
When all is dead and brown…..
– Posted in: Garden Design January 28, 2012When all is dead and brown and wintry one way to bring color into the garden is with brightly-colored durable materials. The easiest and most creative way is probably painting wood, you get great control over the color, but it discolors quickly and round here just gets covered in algae. Glass is incredibly durable, so[...]
What Our Mothers Taught Us About Gardening & Life
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Musings January 17, 2012Steve Asbell is a writer, illustrator and photographer based out of Jacksonville, Florida. I’m a big fan of his writing and his love of gardening is inspiring. You can find more about him at his blog, The Rainforest Garden. Fran Sorin In Steve’s words: I’ve only been a gardener for the last three years, but[...]