Nancy J. Ondra

The Rabbitat

When I filled out the application to certify my property as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation a few years ago, part of the form asked what sort of wildlife I’d already seen here. Red fox, groundhogs, birds, butterflies, deer: check. So why didn’t I think to add rabbits to the list?[...]

My Must-Have Annuals – January 2008

The recent abundance of posts about seed catalogs, along with the overabundance of catalogs in my own mailbox, has gotten me seriously thinking about my own orders for the upcoming season. I love trying new plants each year, of course, but as I’m sure many of you do, I also have some old favorites that[...]

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2008

I found one!!! I brought branches of ‘Kumson’ forsythia inside a week ago, but they haven’t done anything. Outside, though, a few buds are just about open. Fortunately, Fran has a more extensive post planned for tomorrow, so be sure to check back to see what she has to share. Now, I’m off to see[...]