On the Path to Art

This will be a bit of a challenge.  Photos are supposed to tell a story, so I present a series of photos without comment. The set up:  I was in Hoyt Arboretum in Portland, Oregon looking to add two photos into my lecture “Finding the Photo”.  I always try to add photos that are current and[...]

Got a Pot? Elevate it!

“Everything looks better elevated,” says San Diego succulent designer Diana Clark, who has wood stands custom-made to enhance her potted compositions. Diana, who calls her business “The Perfect Plant” because she pairs vessels found at antique stores or estate sales with a “perfect” succulent, created the plant-pot pairings shown here. As you look at them, ask yourself:[...]

Photographing Roses

Roses are on my brain.  Not only did Gardening Gone Wild’s own Fran Sorin just explain the process of selecting one of my rose photos for her new edition of Digging Deep, I just made a new lecture on roses for the ARS, American Rose Society, District meeting. Sometimes these blog posts just fall together.  Not[...]