Kids + Succulents = A New Generation of Gardeners

One of the most popular areas of the recent Los Angeles Drought Tolerant Plant Festival was the “Kid’s Day” section. I was very impressed by the educational exhibits, activities, and volunteers—all members of the Los Angeles Cactus & Succulent Society, a community-oriented organization now in its 80th year. I’ll soon release the video footage I[...]

California Coastal Bluff at The Sea Ranch

In the early 1960’s, ten miles of California’s Sonoma Coast was designated for development, in an era before there was any regulatory agency overseeing coastal development. The Sea Ranch became legendary in the annals of California Coastal development, and as a result, the California Coastal Commission has clamped down on every permit. Yet, despite the hundreds of[...]

Win a Succulent Coloring Book!

AAAAND…we have a winner! Barbara Valentine! I’ll be contacting her today to get her mailing address. Many thanks to all who entered. Something to consider: My publisher is wonderful about providing a book to someone who’ll put it in front of potential readers/buyers. If you’d like a copy to review on your blog or to include in,[...]