GBDW – The Garden in Fall Wrap-Up

– Posted in: Garden Design

Muhlenbergia capillaris Calamagrostis KF Oct 22 06

With the great gardening weather in many parts of the country, it’s much more tempting to be working in the garden than writing about it. But several of our dependable GBDW participants came through again for us this month, treating us to portraits and galleries of their favorite plants and combinations to add sparkle to the autumn garden. So, if you’re looking to extend the display of color in your own garden, or if you’re always on the lookout for great new plants to try, here are lots of links for you to check out.

Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – The Garden in Fall (Nan at Gardening Gone Wild): Kick-off post for this month’s topic.

Native Plant for Fall Color (Lois at Lois De Vries’ Garden Views): Learn about a sadly underused native perennial for shade: American spikenard (Aralia racemosa). It’s a beauty in leaf, in bloom, and in fall fruit, too.

Fall Color (Linda at Each Little World): Autumn has been a little slow to arrive in Linda’s Wisconsin garden, so there’s still plenty of green lushness, but some late-season blooms are finally starting to make an appearance.

Sad to See Summer Go – Say Hello to Fall (Frances at Fairegarden): Every season at Faire Garden is special, with fall bringing its own unique features in the form of changing leaf colors and lovely late bloomers.

Fall in the Garden (David at Montana Wildlife Gardener): David is another blogger that appreciates all that the fall garden has to offer: the browning grasses and seedheads in his front-yard mini-prairie, as well as the perennials that are coming back into bloom with the return of the rains.

Loving Ornamental Grasses in the Fall Garden (Yvonne at Country Gardener): Yvonne’s stunning tribute to some of her favorite fall grasses is not to be missed! While you’re there, also check out her autumn foliage tour in Bring on the Fall Color – Shrubs and Trees and an overview of some of her favorite late-season perennials in Fall Flowers and Grasses.

Squirrelhaven in Fall (MMD at Mr. McGregor’s Daughter): MMD’s autumn garden is rich with color and texture from foliage, flowers, berries, and seedheads. Check out some of her favorite plants and combinations for a great late show.

Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – The Garden in Fall (Craig at Ellis Hollow): Craig has captured some amazing images of fall’s glory in and around his garden and the Cornell campus.

Looking for even more ideas for late-season color? Here are two more must-see resources:

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2009 (Carol at May Dreams Gardens): See what’s looking great in mid-September in nearly 140 garden all over the world.

The Fall Color Project 2009 (Dave at The Home Garden): Check in often to follow the foliage color changes throughout the country this autumn.

Nancy J. Ondra
Nan gardens on 4 acres in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. In the firm belief that every garden ought to have a pretentious-sounding (or at least pretentious-looking) name, she refers to her home grounds as "Hayefield." There, she experiments with a wide variety of plants and planting styles, from cottage gardens and color-based borders to managed meadows, naturalistic plantings, and veggies--all under the watchful eyes of her two pet alpacas, Daniel and Duncan.
Nancy J. Ondra

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Dave September 29, 2009, 8:10 am

Thanks for the Fall Color Project link!

My pleasure, Dave. I look forward to participating again this year. The trees are already starting to color up here in southeastern PA, but we won’t peak for a few weeks yet.

Robin Ripley September 29, 2009, 5:04 pm

I think fall is the best time of year to garden. There are still many things to plant, including veggies, it’s not so darned hot and the overwhelmed feeling I have in the spring is gone. Fall is relaxed gardening, I think. Great resources here!

Robin Ripley

You’ve nailed it, Robin – it’s the “relaxed gardening” season. No worries if things look a little – or a lot – untidy, and the weather is certainly ideal for puttering and planting (well, it’s ideal here in PA, at least).

Anna/Flowergardengirl September 30, 2009, 3:14 pm

Congrats on your blotanical win—I’m a big fan of this site and always have been. Always something good to look at and so much to learn. Thank you! I really need some of that muhly grass.

And congratulations to you too, Anna, on your two!

Shady Gardener September 30, 2009, 6:29 pm

See? More Blotanical Awards! Congratulations!! 🙂

Ah, but here it’s for a group effort, Shady. So behalf of the GGW team: thanks!

Chookie October 1, 2009, 2:05 am

Wow, those were lovely! I’ll have to consider what makes an autumn garden here. But for now I’m trying to decide whether to plant out the tomatoes. Just thought I’d mention that!

Linda Steider October 4, 2009, 11:08 am

I’m so happy I found you! Besides the fun contests, your articles are excellent & I always look forward to reading them. Congrats on the Blotanical award, well deserved!!

Genevieve October 24, 2009, 6:48 pm

Hi Nan!

I just wrote a post on choosing Heathers for fall interest, here:

I asked my local Heather expert for her tips and passed them on!

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