The benefits of drip irrigation continue to be talked about in the gardening and agriculture industries as well as by the media. Water efficiency, conservation of a natural resource, and the prevention of runoff are just a few of the reasons that drip irrigation has become more of a ‘front burner’ subject in recent years.[...]
Favorite Seed and Plant Mail Order Sources: From our GGW Contributors
– Posted in: Miscellaneous March 4, 2009It’s that time of year again when the frenzy of purchasing seeds from catalogs and the pondering about what plants to order from mail-order catalogs grab our attention. So, I asked each of our Regular Contributors at GGW to offer up their ‘best of the best’ sources. Below is the GGW list.
What’s in a Name? Part the First
– Posted in: Miscellaneous February 21, 2009This post is now available at Hayefield:
Plants of Merit
– Posted in: Miscellaneous February 6, 2009A couple of weeks ago in my post Shaw’s Garden Celebrates Historic Anniversary, I offered an overview of the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) and shared some of my favorite resources. I noted the Plants of Merit (POM) program but did not provide readers with any further detail. It is a program that I sponsor and[...]
Favorite Independent Garden Centers
– Posted in: Miscellaneous February 4, 2009Terrain at Home. Courtesy of Garden Media Group I thought it would be fun to poll my fellow contributors on GGW to find out what some of their favorite independent garden centers are. As a disclaimer, this list in no way is meant to imply the ‘best of the best’. What draws us to these nurseries? Like everything else,[...]