I had some fun recently selecting glazes for pots for succulents. The pots are by Mark Rafter (marktrafter@gmail.com); I chose the plants and potted them up. What do you think?
Uh-oh. My agave’s blooming.
– Posted in: Succulents November 6, 2013I’m going to miss my toothy Agave potatorum, shown here beginning to form a bloom spike. When an agave flowers, it is not a happy event, unless you’ve been waiting forever to collect its offspring. Agaves are monocarpic, meaning they die after flowering.
Great Repetitions at Steven’s Gardens
– Posted in: Succulents October 20, 2013At the Laguna Beach Garden Club recently, a young woman came to the book-signing table, introduced herself, and invited me to a nearby nursery where she works. I took her up on it mainly to see the succulents, and didn’t expect such an impressive array of pots. Big ones, little ones, vivid ones, pale ones,[...]
Succulent Extravaganza Recap
– Posted in: Succulents October 6, 2013The Succulent Extravaganza at Succulent Gardens nursery near San Francisco was an opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones. I gave two presentations and was busy signing books, but I didn’t forget my dear friends at GGW. Here are a few highlights I hope you’ll enjoy. Photo of me by Rebecca Sweet.
Potting Workshop with GGW Winner Bonnie B.
– Posted in: Succulents September 20, 2013Garden designer Bonnie Barabas was the winner of the one-on-one succulent potting workshop in my giveaway here on GGW to celebrate the release of my latest book, Succulents Simplified. Bonnie drove to Escondido from Santa Barbara recently to meet me at Oasis Water Efficient Gardens nursery near my home, bringing with her several containers to[...]