Making a Photo

– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Photography

It is not just unfair to most of my fellow garden bloggers that I get to work in my garden on January 17, the real agony is that I write about it.  I hear of frigid temps out there beyond California. The shrub border that runs along my driveway ends by my office with 6[...]

Garden Design in the Round

– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Visits

Going round in circles can be a good thing if we’re talking about garden designs. In an earlier post I spoke about my passion for using geometry in design and how strong shapes lend their character to a setting and form a structural element so sturdy that it frees you to use almost any type of planting. The[...]

What’s Your PSI?

– Posted in: Garden Design

I consider myself a plant geek, and somewhat of a computer geek, but a math geek I’m definitely not. Numbers are not my friends. Generally, that’s not a problem in the mostly non-numeric world of gardening. Apart from having to remember a few simple measurements and conversion factors, I figured I’d be free of complicated[...]