Written by Tovah Martin We are thrilled to have Tovah Martin contributing to Gardening Gone Wild. She is a freelance writer, lecturer, and author of over a dozen garden books including the recently published The New Terrarium. Tovah says that she has a problem with bulbs. It’s called obsession. The fires of infatuation were fanned when[...]
What’s in a Name? Whence They Came
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Plants, Miscellaneous December 17, 2010Oryza sativa ‘Red Dragon’ Fun, fanciful, or even downright silly, cultivar names often offer some clues as to what a plant might look like. If you want a hint as to where that plant might grow best, though, the botanical name is a better place to look. I’m going to save specific place names for[...]
What I See
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Photography November 23, 2010Where do I begin to describe the wonders that I see? My world is new and changing daily. The following set of photos were taken a few weeks ago, between the two eye surgeries. I began with this Camellia sasanqua ‘Apple Blossom’ quite by accident because at first I simply had to get outdoors, to[...]
Vertical Gardening Ideas….Tube Planters
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Plants November 1, 2010I was transformed into a lover and student of vertical gardening after seeing Patrick Blanc’s vertical wall designs years ago in a magazine. I’ve written about vertical gardening on GGW over the past few years. Since then, the field has continued to grow at a quick pace. The horticultural industry is focusing more and more[...]
The Fall Color Project 2010 – Pennsylvania Style
– Posted in: Garden Design October 13, 2010For the last several years, Dave at The Home Garden has been hosting The Fall Color Project: a meme to track the progress of peak fall foliage color. And every year, I have trouble figuring out the perfect time to do my post. This autumn, I think we’re lucky to have any fall color, after[...]