I fell in love with chasmanthium the first time I saw it. It’s a 3 foot tall, green perennial grass that emerges in the spring. During the fall, with its yellow- orange color and a backlit sun in late afternoon, it’s a star of the garden. It’s like a prairie setting in a movie,[...]
Conifers, Containers, and Cold
– Posted in: Garden Design, Trees and Shrubs November 10, 2011I’m thrilled to have Christina as a Guest Contributor at GGW. I’ve been a fan of her work for a long time. Christina is THE Personal Garden Coach. When she is not designing dramatic container gardens at a nursery in Newcastle, Washington, she is teaching clients about saving labor, time, and money with easy gardening[...]
How To Re-ignite Your Passion In The Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Musings October 18, 2011Gardeners are perfectionists. We give ourselves high marks for weed free, mulched, pruned, and manicured gardens. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love to flip through the pages of a glossy magazine gazing at magnificently coiffed gardens as much as anyone. Who doesn’t?
From Here To There
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Musings October 13, 2011I’m thrilled to have Rebecca Sweet writing a guest post for GGW. She is a highly regarded garden designer, a respected blogger, and co-author of a wildly popular book on vertical gardening, Garden Up. Besides all of these accomplishments, Rebecca is what I think of as a ‘soulful gardener’. Read this article and you’ll understand[...]
Gardening On My Rooftop….6 Months Later
– Posted in: Garden Design September 12, 2011I originally wrote about Starting Over in the context of creating a new rooftop garden this past spring in Tel Aviv. At that time, I had a few containers, views of others rooftops, some pretty hefty rain storms, and a desire to design a private haven. Back then, I promised that I would keep you[...]