Saxon Holt

Too Much Fun

I knew my Ribes sanguineum was crying out to be photographed.  A siren song really.   She beckoned and seduced me away from the solitude of a day indoors, her charms naked and ripe for the camera. But where to start exploring this beauty?

GGW Picture This Winners – March 2010

Our theme was Awakening and it sure looks like spring woke up everywhere – finally. It was a joy to see spring around the blogisphere and I thank all our contestants for sending in photos.  It was not hard work to go through all the photos, it was a pleasure.  The awakening and promise of[...]

Silent Daffodils

“Photograph silence” he asked ? OK, I’ll give it a try: ———– I saw the silence slip away as the dawn, rushed in effortlessly; revealing the daffodils mute; in awe of the wondering sparrow’s “twee… twee …eeet ?” now silent. again. ———

Yellow and Daffodils

What we see and what we capture with the camera are often different; too often if you are not careful to photograph with intent.  What my mind’s eye sees when I enter my garden this time of year are yellow daffodils. But actually there are only a very few.

The Wild Garden

One of the finest books of the year was first published in 1870.  And who else but Rick Darke, could pull off an update, reminding us just how well “The Wild Garden” speaks to contemporary gardens and current ecological thinking?