The current show of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work, Modern Nature, at San Francisco’s DeYoung Museum reveals the the gardener observing nature. The works in the exhibition are all from a period of her life when she painted at the vacation resort town of Lake George, New York, before moving to the Southwest where she spent most[...]
Saxon Holt
It Rained !
While most of the country has been suffering under a brutally cold winter, we in California have been waiting for winter rains. It has been brutally dry. We have not had a soaking rain for 13 months. So you gardeners can imagine the joy of our recent rains. I spent each day this past weekend[...]
A Flower Can Change Your Day
I was all set yesterday morning to begin my post on drought-tolerant plants, seeing as how we in California are in the midst of a really dry winter. Then at breakfast, my wife brought me a single Camellia from the garden, set in a clever stone vase. It was such a lovely reminder that even[...]
Probing Beauty
Garden photographers look to capture beauty with a camera. Poets use words. My friend, the poet and occasional garden writer, Hazel White recently led a hike as part of her artist in residence program at the Headlands Center for the Arts where she seeks to “create a series of site-responsive sonnets, each of which is 14[...]
Frosted Camellias
Even in California, frost causes problems. And when it comes in early December it causes big problems. Almost every gardener I know here in the Northern part of the state pushes the limits of their garden. It’s California ! – it is our birthright to grow tropicals and tender succulents, plants that are barely hardy[...]