Saxon Holt

Photographing Roses

Roses are on my brain.  Not only did Gardening Gone Wild’s own Fran Sorin just explain the process of selecting one of my rose photos for her new edition of Digging Deep, I just made a new lecture on roses for the ARS, American Rose Society, District meeting. Sometimes these blog posts just fall together.  Not[...]

Time for Action – Kids Outdoors

I opened my morning newspaper (yes, dating me…) and felt sick.  Not because of global wars, ebola, climate change, or because the Giants had lost to the Dodgers. The full page ad on the back of Section A is from NBCUniversal and Comcast, my local cable giant, proudly announcing they are “bringing media and technology together[...]

Photographing a new Rose

A new rose takes years to reach the market.  The process of breeding, testing, analyzing, selecting, and then propagating enough to sell, and then marketing, all have timetables.  The rose above that I photographed for Star Roses two years ago with no name, is now being released.

Dry Summer

We expect summers to be dry here in California. It’s a summer-dry or Mediterranean climate of wet winters and rainless summers. Gardeners learn to adapt and use plants that are native to summer-dry climates. But this year is particularly hard on gardeners because it is particularly dry. We have not had rainy winters recently, and[...]

Vacation in Maui

Was I just in Maui County, Hawaii ?  Was last week a dream ?  And are there really gardens there ? First, lest anyone be concerned that the hurricane that struck Hawaii last week ruined my family vacation, I can only post photos of the damage.  The plumeria trees shook off their flowers, littering the[...]