Nancy J. Ondra

Is It Winter Yet?

Ok, now–this is getting a little old. Technically, it’s not even winter yet, but we’ve already had an entire winter’s worth of wicked weather. It’s one thing to get ice, sleet, and snow in February and March, because spring is near, but right now, spring seems a mighty long way away. Still, our neighborhood can[...]

The Garden on Ice

Inspired by Benjamin’s fantastic photos of ice-fog in Frog or Icog? at The Deep Middle, I decided to see what I could find of interest in my ice-coated garden this morning. Our first sunrise in over a week is quickly starting the melting process, just in time to clear away the traces of yesterday’s sleet[...]

Chiltern Seeds

The promise of spring, the bounty of summer, and the rich colors of autumn—it’s easy to love gardening during the milder months. The winter months (at least for those of us who don’t live in Austin) are more challenging to be cheerful about, but they have one big feature in their favor: the arrival of[...]

On the Fence

I’ve tried out and enjoyed many kinds of fences in my gardens over the years. In my last garden, I ended up with a variety of styles, from Screen Fencing picket fencing. But because they were all either white or green, they all seemed to work together. Not long before I decided to sell that[...]

A Few Reader Questions

In the past week, we’ve received several comments from readers who have questions. If any of you have any insights on these topics, we’d greatly appreciate you sharing them! Ann Sickinger asked: “I was hoping I might find some suggestions to help me with a problem I have. I am trying to put in a[...]