Perhaps it was because I had just spent two and a half months with my 90 year old father in Philadelphia, who spoke more about death with me this visit than he has his entire lifetime, that I made time to watch A Will for the Woods. If, like me, you’ve had mixed feelings about how[...]
Vacation in Maui
Was I just in Maui County, Hawaii ? Was last week a dream ? And are there really gardens there ? First, lest anyone be concerned that the hurricane that struck Hawaii last week ruined my family vacation, I can only post photos of the damage. The plumeria trees shook off their flowers, littering the[...]
Behind the Scenes on a Garden Photo Shoot
I recently produced and wrote a how-to article on topping pumpkins with succulents, for Country Gardens magazine. The designer we featured is Laura Eubanks, who originated the idea. The magazine sent photographer Ed Gohlich, who came to my home with his assistant, Matt. Ed does many of the Southern CA (and beyond) articles for Better Homes & Gardens’[...]
A Creative Urban Pop-Up Park That Is Making A Difference
When a few of the Drexel students working with me at Lombard Center Community Garden told me that I needed to check out the latest in Philadelphia’s Pop-Up gardens down at the waterfront, I knew it was a ‘must see’. Although it’s described as a ‘summer pop-up park complete with a boardwalk, urban beach, floating[...]
Lavender Harvest – Photo Shoot
I have just started working on a new herb book and most of the photos need to come from my library, so I began sifting through the inventory. Look what I found. What fun I had shooting this lavender harvest.