Picture This – Best of 2014

  We have restarted the popular ‘Picture This’ photo contest in the dead of winter to give you a chance to look back at a whole year of photos.  Get your files organized.  And, oh yeah, by the way it gives me a chance to show off my new eBook and give one away for[...]

Snow in Escondido? Seriously?

Every winter, as a child on an avocado ranch northeast of San Diego, I longed to see snow blanket the garden like a Currier & Ives painting. It never happened. Decades passed. My husband Jeff and I bought a home on a half acre in the same city, but at a higher elevation (1,500 feet). In 25[...]

Agaves in a Celebrity Hybridizer’s Garden

The first time I saw Agave ‘Blue Glow’, in a photo like the one above, I thought I was looking at a watercolor painting. A Kelly Griffin hybrid, it entered the nursery trade in 2005, and has since become one of the most commercially successful succulents. It does well in containers or in the ground, grows no larger than[...]