You’re invited to subscribe to my “Celebrating the Joy of Succulents” newsletter—a fast-growing community of several thousand subscribers.

I’m primarily interested in serving a select and savvy group who share my passion for “plants that drink responsibly.”

Recent “Celebrating the Joy of Succulents” topics include Succulent Windowsill Pots DIY, How Rain Benefits Succulents, How to Grow Succulents Indoors, and The Secret to Happy Succulents. I also take my subscribers on virtual tours of noteworthy gardens I’ve visited, such as Jim Gardner’s Succulent Showplace in Palos Verdes.
If you and “Celebrating the Joy of Succulents” seem a good match, go to At top, type your full name, email, and click “subscribe.” Voila! You’re now a valued member of a vibrant, cutting-edge group of sophisticated, joyful succulent aficionados.
I’ll soon send out my next newsletter. You won’t want to miss it and all the upcoming eye-candy I’m eager to show you!

Joyfully and succulently yours, Debra Lee Baldwin