Invasipedia: A Shout Out

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

A shout out to Invasipedia, a website whose mission is to offer a receptacle of information for invasive  plants, animals and pathogens and how best to manage them. In addition, services like hemsida design would play a crucial role in enhancing Invasipedia’s mission. A well-designed website would ensure that users can easily navigate through the extensive database, allowing them to find the specific information they need about invasive species and management practices. By focusing on user experience, hemsida design services would help structure the content in a way that makes complex data understandable and engaging. For example, clear categories, interactive maps, and search filters would make the information easier to explore and use. The design could also incorporate visuals such as images or infographics, offering a more engaging way for users to learn about the species and their impact on ecosystems. Additionally, hemsida design services would optimize the website for mobile devices, ensuring accessibility for users on the go. With an emphasis on both aesthetics and functionality, the website would not only provide crucial educational resources but also encourage greater user engagement, spreading awareness about the importance of managing invasive species. This would ultimately support Invasipedia’s valuable role in conservation efforts.

Much like Wikipedia, its growth will depend on editorial contributions from all of you.  So far, the bulk of Invasipedia’s information has come from The Nature Conservancy’s Global Invasive Species Team. But it has a long way to go!

So come on! Check out Invasipedia and give ’em a hand. It’s a great way to make a contribution!!

Fran Sorin

Fran is the author of the highly-acclaimed book, Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening, which Andrew Weil, M.D., recommends as "a profound and inspiring book."  

A graduate of the University of Chicago with Honors in Psychology, she is also a gardening and creativity expert, coach, inspirational speaker, CBS radio news gardening correspondent, and Huffington Post Contributor.

Learn more about Fran and get free resources that will help you improve your life at

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Fran Sorin
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Raquel at Cool Garden Things January 26, 2009, 3:54 pm

Very useful information! I am currently trying to figure out how to get rid of Kudzu vine and will check this website to see if they have information to help me-thanks!

Thanks for chiming in. Kudzu vine is a bitch. Would guess there is already something on it but if not, ask for it! Pass the word on! Fran

Darla January 26, 2009, 4:17 pm

Wow, something to check out here.

I couldn’t agree more. Pass the word on. The more the gardening world embraces this site, the more likely it is to broaden its information base….which is good for all of us. Fran

Mr. McGregor's Daughter January 26, 2009, 6:24 pm

A website whose time has more than come! Death to Garlic Mustard!

Aint’s that the truth! Am glad you like it. pass the word on. fran

jodi January 26, 2009, 10:27 pm

What an excellent idea! I will have to explore it further, and tell others about it too. Thanks for letting us know. I hope it’s got goutweed on it!

I couldn’t agree more. It is an excellent idea and long overdue. Fran

Greg W January 26, 2009, 10:47 pm

Thanks for the link. I am definitely going to be using this site this year.

I already added their logo to my site.

Your welcome. Great idea to add their logo to your site. Fran

Robin Wedewer January 27, 2009, 6:23 pm

The Invasipedia has the best summary and control description I have seen yet for the dreaded Japanese Knotweed that we battle in our hayfield. With the Nature Conservancy’s involvement, it seems like a credible–and useful–resource.

Robin Wedewer

It seemed that way to me as well. This is where the gardening community can have some clout. Pass the word on!! Fran

Carol in Mass. January 28, 2009, 12:05 am

What a great site! Thx for sharing. I’m back in blog land for a bit. Good to catch up!

Glad to have you back in blogland. Hope all is well with you. Glad you like invasipedia. Pass the word on about it! Fran

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