For those of you who have not posted a photo of an ornamental grass for this month’s Picture This Photo Contest, perhaps a photo of the grand prize from High Country Gardens, along with a list of the grasses hand-picked by David Salman, will motivate you to enter.
The prize includes the following grasses:
- Schizachyrium ‘Prairie Blues’
- Panicum ‘Heavy Metal’
- Muhlenbergia reverchonii
- Festuca ‘Boulder Blue’
- Panicum ‘Shenandoah’
- Helictotrichon sempervirens
If you haven’t yet checked out this month’s Picture This Photo Contest, you’d better hurry up. Although the deadline is September 22nd, the deadline is going to creep up on you before you know it. So if you don’t already have the perfect image on hand, get your camera out and start shooting some of those magnificent red, blue, silver, green or straw-colored grasses which help to make the autumn garden an outstanding season.