Welcome to GARDENING GONE WILD’S redesign!
This time around, we’ve gone for an elegant and simple look. We’ve made sure that the site is more user friendly which means it’ll be easier for you to navigate.
A huge thank you goes to Steve Asbell who created the magnificent illustration of the passiflora on the header. Steve will be writing a Guest Post for GGW about the process he went through from the first time we spoke to what you’re seeing on the header today.

fro Tulips Orange Brilliant, Apricot Impression & Narcissi Golden Du
Some exciting news! In honor of our celebration, Longfield Gardens is giving away $100. gift certificates to 5 lucky winners.
Here are the details:
5 winners this fall – $100 gift certificate to buy any fall bulbs of your choice – with free shipping- from Longfield Gardens.
Winners will receive a code # to use in placing their order.
Orders need to be placed in September or early October.
The giveaway is limited to US residents.

Narcissus Unsurpassable
In order to be eligible, all you need to do is sign up for our Free Updates in the form below. Over the next few days, I’ll randomly pick the winners. It’s that simple.
So fill out the sign up form and you may be one of the lucky 5 winners.
And thanks for reading and being a part of the GGW community these past 4 years
**Please help us get the word out about Gardening Gone Wild’s new design through social media…especially Twitter and FB. Thanks!