Dry Stream Beds in the Garden

– Posted in: Succulents

The desire to get rid of water-thirsty, high-maintenance lawns has led to the rise (no pun intended) of dry creek beds. After all, you have to replace all that garden space with something. Rocks and boulders are fairly inexpensive and create a natural setting. A dry stream bed can add a sense of motion (rushing water)[...]

Fibonacci Spirals

– Posted in: Succulents

Sunflowers and nautilus shells exhibit a geometric spiral that is found in many cacti and succulents. I thought you might enjoy some examples. Isn’t nature amazing? This is Aloe polyphylla, the spiral aloe. Next, some cacti.

Spring Succulent Care (and News)

– Posted in: Succulents

My seasonal e-newsletter is different from what I post here on GGW (for the most part). I thought you might enjoy some excerpts from the latest. Spring Succulent Care Checklist Above: Aeonium cutting, showing leaf nodes that resemble potato eyes. From this meristem tissue, roots will grow.