I’ve been devouring the spring blooms in Philadelphia over the past 2 weeks. As I take my daily morning walk, I’m amazed at the simple beauty of the plantings in both personal and public spaces. When walking down a city street, window boxes, container plantings, trees judiciously positioned, and pots strategically placed on the steps[...]
– Posted in: Garden Design April 15, 2015Last year, I drove from my home in Benicia, California, to the White Mountains on the California/Nevada border. Ostensibly this was a pilgrimage of sorts. A journey to see the Bristlecone Pines, one of, if not the oldest, living things on this planet. Botanically it was a fascinating trip and I recorded some of my[...]
Laura Eubanks’ Succulent Tapestry Design Secrets
– Posted in: Garden Design, Miscellaneous, Succulents March 20, 2015San Diego garden designer Laura Eubanks is helping me launch a series of events in my garden! Laura’s one-hour succulent tapestry installation takes place on Saturday, March 28 and includes catered refreshments and a tour of my newly refurbished garden located 45 minutes NE of San Diego. (Space is extremely limited. $150 per person. Email[...]
Garden Tour Mania: How To Find Your Authentic Voice When Surrounded By A Tidal Wave of Perfection
– Posted in: Garden Design March 15, 2015The first time I was asked to be on a garden tour, a combination of unadulterated excitement and raw fear kept me working at break neck speed with little sleep for the month prior to it. I’ve got to admit that I felt privileged to be asked to participate. But I also felt like an[...]
3 Tips On How To Envision the Garden of Your Dreams
– Posted in: Garden Design January 1, 2015Once the calendar flips over to the New Year, if you’re like a lot of gardeners throughout the world, you begin to think, research, and ponder new elements that you want to bring into your garden this season.