***** After a summer hiatus, Picture This Photo Contest will be returning in September with a great judge. Keep a look out!! Would you mind taking a moment to go onto Picture This’ Facebook page and ‘like it’? Thanks….Fran A few weeks ago, Dogs Provide Owners Greater Mental Well-Being, an article in the Living Section of The Wall[...]
Garden Designers Roundtable: Lawn Reform Fun
– Posted in: Garden Design August 22, 2011Once again the bloggers at Garden Designers Roundtable bring you a series of networked bogs around a common theme and have asked members of the Lawn Reform Coalition to join forces. As a member of LRC, I chose to blog on my home turf, here at Gardening Gone Wild. Many more posts will be[...]
Draping Window Containers…Chanticleer!
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Visits August 7, 2011In a recent post, I wrote about the veggie window containers at Chanticleer, designed by Jonathan Wright, and how they inspired me to plant up some on my rooftop garden in Israel. Here are 4 photos shot a few days ago of the wall boxes, wall planters and veggies, the kitchen wall, and edible plants[...]
2 Outstanding FloweringTrees at Hidden City Garden
– Posted in: Garden Design, Garden Design August 4, 2011Written by Harry Pierik I’m always delighted to receive a post from Harry on the seasonal changes in his HIdden City Garden. In this article, he ‘wows’ us with 2 magnificent spring flowering trees …Davidia involucrata and Cornus nutallii. To read Harry’s last post about his garden in early spring, click on here. Check out [...]
Lily Gluttony
– Posted in: Bulbs, Garden Design July 20, 2011I got “the look” tonight. It was delivered by the lady who walks here somethingorother-poo and it’s given to all of us who have too many lilies in life. You know “the look.” It combines a stare of disbelief, a roll of the eyes, a covetous sigh, and the growl of sheer, unabashed envy (the[...]