Saxon Holt

You Read It Here First – Best Book of the Year

Over the past 7 years of blogging here at Gardening Gone Wild as the resident garden photographer I have been giving lots of photography tips.  Those who watched closely knew I was planning to put the best articles together as a book, and I am truly grateful for the encouragement.  Indeed, without your encouragement I would[...]

Photo Contest Winners

Summer is done – and so is the photo contest. As is always the case with a photo contest, the fun is in seeing all the entries.  I smiled as I opened them and each made me wonder about the gardens, wanting to see more.  Indeed I was delighted to visit the blogs of those[...]

End of Summer Photo Contest

Summer is officially over, so let’s see what it looked like to Gardening Gone Wild readers with a new Picture This photo contest.  And let’s welcome some new participants from the PhotoBotanic ebook blog tour. We will have 2 divisions this time: one for bloggers and one for Facebook entries. Only bloggers are eligible for[...]

Wild Flowers in Wild Meadows

For most of the eight years I have been contributing to Gardening Gone Wild I have wanted to simply show wildflower photos. I have been enthralled by California wildflowers for more years than I have been a garden photographer. Indeed, my portfolio of wildflowers got me my first job as a garden photographer in 1984.[...]