Saxon Holt

Wending and Wind

Most gardens of any size are designed with wending in mind. Don’t you just love that Old English word “wending” ? So casual, carefree, and contemplative by inference. Even formal entries can invite wending.

Bright Light

Art photo, Tiburon garden overlooking San Francisco

For a recent photo shoot the client asked that I show the garden with bright colors and blue sky.  I almost always resist photographing gardens in bright light because the colors get contrasty and the shadows are often deep and impenetrable, but this particular garden was designed for big light, high on a sunny Marin[...]

Light Kisses

yellow wakerobin shady woodland wildflower

I am a light stalker with my camera.  Finding the best time and the best light to photograph a garden factors into every shoot.  These days I am challenging myself to bring sunlight into my photographs.

Light Decisions

California native wildflower - Iris macrosiphon

The steep hill behind me faces north, and in the dead of winter the sun never clears the hill to shine on my house.  But now, a month well past the equinox, it has crept north enough to slant through my oak trees.  With glorious spring rains the light glows through the grass.

Simple Solutions

framing the garden scarecrow

I love green peas.  Big fat English shelling peas.  Unfortunately the birds love the young sprouts and I have tried all sorts of tricks to keep them off my little crop. This year I finally listened to my father’s advice and built a scarecrow.