Saxon Holt

Picture This – Spring Photo Contest

Picture This, our garden blogger’s photo showcase, is ready for another contest – now that spring has finally arrived throughout the land. I was in Delaware just two weeks ago where I photographed Wintherthur, the trees just leafing out, seemingly while I watched, so by now even the most northern garden photographers should have plenty of inspiration.

Urban Habitat

In the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world an ebullient pollinator garden is attracting insects and native bees to a museum science project.  The Los Angeles Museum of Natural History has surrounded itself with a 3.5 acre urban habitat garden that is succeeding in attracting insects for study by the scientists within.

Harsh Winter for Summer-Dry Gardens

All winter, the headlines have been dominated by the harsh winter weather throughout the East.  In New England snowfall has been measured by feet instead of inches, the nations’ capitol was shut down, freezing weather made its way into the deep South. Easterners longed for the sunny, dry, unseasonably warm weather in California, which is[...]