“To my compatriots, I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld.” – Nelson Mandela When I flew in to Tel Aviv a few weeks ago, I felt[...]
Fran Sorin
A 21st Century Garden Ethic
Written by Benjamin Vogt, Guest Contributor One late summer afternoon I was crawling around on my knees out back, getting a view of the garden’s undercarriage where so much of the real action happens – spiders nabbing prey, beetles walking from stem to stem, ants leaving scent markers to food. On my weary knees I[...]
A French Jewel: Thomas Alexandre’s Garden
Like a lot of gardeners, I peruse Pinterest and see photos that offer inspirational design ideas and plant combinations. One, a garden bed filled with Allium ‘Globemaster’ surrounded by Buxus sempervirens ‘suffruticosa’ so grabbed my heart recently that I felt the need to learn more about it. The photo was labeled “Les Jardins Agapanthe”. Its creator[...]
GGW’s Favorite Picks Over The Years and BH&G Garden Blogger Awards
In honor of GGW being selected as one of the top 10 garden blogs by Better Homes and Gardens for 2016, I thought it would be fun to share 2 favorite posts from each of our contributors. Saxon Holt, photographer extraordinaire, selected these 2 posts. Wildflowers In Wild Meadows Photographing In A Garden Debra Lee[...]
Untamed Nature Is Not A Luxury: It’s A Necessity
“My days in the wilderness will live with me always. Everything there is so alive and familiar. The very stones seem talkative and brotherly. One fancies a heart like our own must be beating in every crystal and cell. No wonder when we consider that we all have the same Father and Mother” ~ John[...]