Adam Woodruff

Plants of Merit

A couple of weeks ago in my post Shaw’s Garden Celebrates Historic Anniversary, I offered an overview of the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) and shared some of my favorite resources. I noted the Plants of Merit (POM) program but did not provide readers with any further detail. It is a program that I sponsor and[...]

The Art of James Brandess

It is cold and dreary here in the Midwest. Snow is blanketing the ground. I am inspired by recent correspondence with an artist friend of mine to share his colorful work with you. Photos courtesy of James Brandess Studios & Gallery, Inc. On pleasant summer days, it’s common to find a crowd of people peering[...]

Anchoring Vignettes with Tropical Foliage

For the past several weeks, I have been poring over photos of the Gardens at the Bank of Springfield, scrutinizing this season’s plant combinations and working on my spring planting plan. I’ve come to appreciate the large percentage of annuals and tropicals used on the site. They are essential to the success of this 55-mph[...]

Growth and Inspiration

In working on a follow-up post to A Garden You Can Bank On, I’ve been reviewing photos of the gardens from the past several seasons looking for successful plant groupings. There has been a particular evolution in the gardens between 2006 and 2008, and in me as a designer.