Dogwood – Finding the Photo

It’s Spring !  At least here in California.  Since many friends across the country are still thawing out, how about we go looking for a photo in my garden?  My pink dogwood tree, Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’, is putting on quite a show. ‘Finding the Photo’ is a classic lesson from my Workshop series.  I[...]

Fibonacci Spirals

Sunflowers and nautilus shells exhibit a geometric spiral that is found in many cacti and succulents. I thought you might enjoy some examples. Isn’t nature amazing? This is Aloe polyphylla, the spiral aloe. Next, some cacti.

Planning A Community Garden – With You!

Chanticleer Cutting Garden

After spending the past 5 years in Tel Aviv, several months ago my instincts told me that it was time to return to my hometown of Philadelphia this spring. I wasn’t quite sure why but over time it became clear that my inner motivation for going was a deep desire for  planning a community garden.[...]

San Francisco Flower & Garden Show

As the official photographer for the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show this year, I had access to a lift so that I could shoot down on the gardens.  I was up with these dragons overlooking  the amazing landscapes. I was also a judge for the Garden Conservancy so I had early access as the[...]

Spring Succulent Care (and News)

My seasonal e-newsletter is different from what I post here on GGW (for the most part). I thought you might enjoy some excerpts from the latest. Spring Succulent Care Checklist Above: Aeonium cutting, showing leaf nodes that resemble potato eyes. From this meristem tissue, roots will grow.