Gardens of Mission San Juan Capistrano

California is relatively new, historically speaking, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love antiquities. Designers of restaurants and hotels must know this, because when they do a Spanish colonial-style establishment, they knock stucco off of the walls to make them look old. So where did they get the idea that this lent (at least the suggestion of) authenticity?[...]

GGW Storytelling Contest: ‘My Mom and Gardening’

GGW's Mother's Day Celebtration

Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed. ~Linda Wooten Do you have memories of your Mom working in the garden? Did/ does she influence your garden making in some way? Now is the chance to share any vignette, thoughts or feelings about[...]

Photographer at Spring Trials

When the international flower industry gets together in California to show off what’s new, I’m there. The gardener in me revolts.  The Gardening Gone Wild side chokes.  In any practical realm, this does not compute.  How does this massive display apply to any reality in the gardening world?  Ahh, but the whole thing provokes.  Acres[...]

Dry Stream Beds in the Garden

The desire to get rid of water-thirsty, high-maintenance lawns has led to the rise (no pun intended) of dry creek beds. After all, you have to replace all that garden space with something. Rocks and boulders are fairly inexpensive and create a natural setting. A dry stream bed can add a sense of motion (rushing water)[...]

A Stunning Sustainable Urban Park

Aloe sp.

In the center of Tel Aviv, overlooking the Mediterranean and abutting the Hilton Hotel, there exists a piece of land made up of well thought out pathways, plant choices and combinations, and vistas that is a perfect template for a simple, easy to maintain and a stunning sustainable urban park.