A new rose takes years to reach the market. The process of breeding, testing, analyzing, selecting, and then propagating enough to sell, and then marketing, all have timetables. The rose above that I photographed for Star Roses two years ago with no name, is now being released.
Why Pathways Are Such A Compelling Element In The Garden
This is a re-print of a post that was published here in March 2013. As fall approaches, it’s a perfect time to re-evaluate any changes you want to make in your garden. When I began to learn about garden design, I became intrigued with paths – no – make that obsessed. Maybe it dates back[...]
Gardening Is A Sacred Act
Dry Summer
We expect summers to be dry here in California. It’s a summer-dry or Mediterranean climate of wet winters and rainless summers. Gardeners learn to adapt and use plants that are native to summer-dry climates. But this year is particularly hard on gardeners because it is particularly dry. We have not had rainy winters recently, and[...]
Rosalina’s Dream: A Nursery of Her Own
Twenty years ago, cacti and succulents were oddball plants, little known among the nursery industry or gardening community. North San Diego county was where the wholesale growers were located, and many still are. But unfortunately Cooper’s Cactus and Succulents no longer exists; not since John Cooper passed away. The good news is that his plants live on,[...]