
Last year, I drove from my home in Benicia, California, to the White Mountains on the California/Nevada border. Ostensibly this was a pilgrimage of sorts. A journey to see the Bristlecone Pines, one of, if not the oldest, living things on this planet. Botanically it was a fascinating trip and I recorded some of my[...]

Garden For Life! Right-Sizing Flower Gardens

Right-Size Flower Gardens

I will be the first to admit it (but I’m not alone!) that I’ve become a slave to my gardens. For years I added gardens to the landscape. There was always room for just one more plant, right? But I started noticing the joy I used to feel when puttering in my gardens had started[...]

Blood, Mud and Joy: Debra’s Succulent Garden Redo

I As I sailed past him one mild January day, trowel in hand, I announced to my husband Jeff my intent to stay home this spring instead of going on tour. “I’m done with delayed flights and sleeping in airports,” I said. “I’m going to have people come here instead.” I quickly realized the garden needed a LOT of work. It reflected[...]

Laura Eubanks’ Succulent Tapestry Design Secrets

San Diego garden designer Laura Eubanks is helping me launch a series of events in my garden! Laura’s one-hour succulent tapestry installation takes place on Saturday, March 28 and includes catered refreshments and a tour of my newly refurbished garden located 45 minutes NE of San Diego. (Space is extremely limited. $150 per person. Email[...]