Over 2 months ago, I received a notice about the Gold Awards given to 4 landscape designers/ and or design companies for this year’s American Professional Landscape Designer (APLD) Awards. As I perused over the names and projects, my eyes were drawn to: Charles Hess, Lansdale, PA, won THREE Gold awards, two in the Residential[...]
A Post-Wild Garden Revolution
“As our climate changes, so must our gardens”. So begins the description of the upcoming garden symposium in Santa Rosa, California, Changing Times, Changing Climate: Summit 2016 sponsored by Pacific Horticulture. Whether in California or anywhere in the world that we garden, this message must be heard. Whether or not we agree on the causes, or the timetable,[...]
Exquisitely Symmetrical Succulents at the Extravaganza
Never mind how practical they are for waterwise gardens, what we really love about succulents is how they LOOK. The eye simply revels in symmetry, and no category of plants do it better. So, of all the succulents that are symmetrical, which are over the top? These are from my latest YouTube release, “Favorite Scenes from the Succulent[...]
An Allium for Every Garden
Having a perennial garden that blooms from spring to fall is every gardener’s dream, but having continuous color can be a lifetime challenge for even the experienced gardener. One of the most difficult bloom time gaps in the parade of flowers is often in late spring, after tulips dropped their petals and peonies are at[...]
How to Unearth Your Creative And Wild Roots to Design the Garden of Your Dreams
I’m trying something a bit different on today’s post. I’ve created a power point video explaining the transformation of my Bryn Mawr, Pa. garden over the period of 10 years. I hope you enjoy!! If you decide to take advantage of the book and course giveaway, I’d appreciate it if, after reading the book, if[...]