A Creative Journey: Imagining My Dream Garden

– Posted in: Garden Musings
Wildflowers at Chanticleeer

Something major happened in my life this past March. It was so painful for me to discuss that I’ve not spoken about it in the gardening world until now.

I left my rooftop gardening that I had tended to for the past 6 years in Tel Aviv and am now living in an apartment, that although surrounded by greenery, has no outdoor space.

It is the first time in 40 years that I am without a personal garden!

And quite frankly, I feel as if a piece of who I am has been cut out of me.

My reasons for making the move were good ones. The price of real estate in Tel Aviv is like New York City; it’s absolutely crazy. And because I have chosen to renovate my condo in Philly and spend more time in the states, I had to free up some financial resources. The estate agents in Wapping help me find the best property to invest in. And for affordable yet luxurious real estate options, you may check out myrtle beach condos for sale here. Take on a renovation project with this Ontario fixer-upper property, where you can transform a home and add significant value.

So, I have needed to ‘let go’ once again when it comes to leaving a personal garden. Although I was in a state of shock for the first few months after I moved, I no longer am.

Rather, I am now totally focused on the garden that will be coming into my life.

“Ah ha”, you may be thinking to yourself, “Fran has gone absolutely bonkers.”

No, not all.

You see, I really believe that if you dream what you deeply desire and set an intention, that whatever it is you are dreaming about will come into your life, in ways you never expected, and often beyond anything you could have imagined.

I have been dreaming about a country garden for this past year. Where it is, I don’t yet know. But when a friend of mine sent me this link from a New York Times piece written a few weeks ago, my heart began to sing. It spoke to me in such a profound way that all I kept on thinking was “Yes, yes, this is the feel of what I want.” The name of the article is Anna Wintour’s Wild Garden. It is a must read!


photo source: New York Times

I would assume that a lot of you are dreamers by nature….that you dream about what your garden is going to look like when you finish the project you’re working on, or you dream what your fall garden will look and feel like when the fall perennials, grasses, and trees take on their glorious autumnal hues. When it comes to our gardens, there is so much that we can do to achieve the look of our dreams. So whether it is checking out the eco credentials of composite decking to fix your patio or if you’d like to have more flowers planted around, whatever you decide to do, be sure to make it happen so you can finally get the garden you have always dreamed of and have something to be proud of over the coming months.

I spend time every day dreaming my garden: 5 minutes here or there. Nothing elaborate. I just close my eyes and get a vision of a landscape and let my imagination take it from there. I have no idea how large, how small, or what plantings I’ll be using. All I’m focusing on right now is the feeling of the place. It certainly has elements of a wild and unkempt landscape; so profoundly beautiful that it will take my breath away. I can even hear myself silently whispering”I am home.”

Sometimes I see myself running down a huge hill from a home with windows looking out onto the property. When I run to the bottom of the hill, there’s an old wheelbarrow with worn gloves and a spade inside of it. I peer to the right and enter a secret garden

Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting about the process I’m using to help me move forward into making my dreams a reality on Facebook. I would love to have anyone who is interested in creating the garden of their dreams or creating anything they want in their life to join me on this journey.

I will be posting on the Gardening Gone Wild FB page and my own personal Fran Sorin Facebook page.

I would love to hear any stories on how you’ve created your dream garden or what if you are in the throes of imagining your next garden.

Also, if you want to know when the New Revised Edition of Digging Deep Free Book and Course Giveaway is going live, please go over to my newly designed website, FranSorin, and sign up for my Newsletter. Not only will you be the first to know when the giveaway is going live, but you’ll also receive my newest piece: Fran’s 5×30 Creativity Formula: How to Dramatically Increase Your Creativity plus weekly videos.

I look forward to hearing your stories about dreams and creative journeys in relationship to the garden!

Sending you much love and appreciation -XO


P.S. If you enjoyed this article, check out : How to Use Quantum Physics to Create Your Dream Garden

P.S. If you enjoyed this article, please pass onto friends via social media. It’s good karma and perhaps you’ll be sharing some ideas that can be useful to someone! With gratitude~

Fran Sorin

Fran is the author of the highly-acclaimed book, Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening, which Andrew Weil, M.D., recommends as "a profound and inspiring book."  

A graduate of the University of Chicago with Honors in Psychology, she is also a gardening and creativity expert, coach, inspirational speaker, CBS radio news gardening correspondent, and Huffington Post Contributor.

Learn more about Fran and get free resources that will help you improve your life at www.fransorin.com.

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Fran Sorin
16 comments… add one

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Lydia plunk August 18, 2016, 2:36 pm

Blessings to you and your new adventure. From your challenge you are creating for yourself the opportunity to take a lifetime of lessons to make an authentic rendering of Eden.

Fran Sorin August 19, 2016, 12:44 am

Lydia Plunk,

Thanks for your kind words of support! I look forward to seeing what the future holds for me and my garden ‘to be’. Fran

Laura Munoz August 19, 2016, 10:23 am

I know your next garden Will be lovely. half of the joy is in the process of imagining and creating it. I purchased the older version of your book to assist me in creating my new garden started this year after buying a different house and leaving my mature 15 year old garden at the old house. I’m not a Facebook user, but I plan to sign up for your newsletter so hopefully you will provide updates there when you start your new garden.

barbara sanderson August 19, 2016, 2:47 pm

I love this idea for you Fran. Having to live without a garden must be frustrating but to use your dreams to get you to your new place is fantastic! i think i will focus on dreaming about my one acre garden becoming weed free with more plants than I can afford right now. Thanks!

Joyce Jenkins August 22, 2016, 7:01 pm

I know you will have a wonderful garden. at my last house we had a small lot but a lovely garden. I had a bulletin board I posted photos upon and got a desert garden calendar that had lovely photos. I loved one with a flagstone walk and one with a calico cat. When we moved farther into the desert, my dear husband got me a calico kitten and he wouldn’t let our builder put in a sidewalk. He put in a flagstonewalk and our gardeners grown around it. So I know dreams do come true. Sorry but my keyboard isn’t allowing capitals for some reason and it centering everything

ross tailor August 23, 2016, 1:54 am

In my home yard, My parents made a garden few days ago. When they were planting trees, I feel reluctant about garden. But after few days when those tree grown up, it was just green and green everywhere.
I thought it is the best place i found. I took deep breathe there. I wish I could quit my job and stay in the garden everyday.
My garden is only place where I find a peace. inner peace.

Cathy August 25, 2016, 7:20 pm

OMG, I SO understand! When we left our garden (1/2 acre, 32 beds, 280 roses, a flowering tree grove, herb garden, formal English garden) to move cross country from MA to CA, I went into withdrawal. We have been living temporarily in an apartment while we await the sale of the house. When we moved into the apartment, we had a couple of suitcases full of clothing and toiletries and a mattress. Everything else was in storage.
The bed had to be ordered. We borrowed a folding table and chairs and a lamp. Then we bought 4 roses and a lemon tree to start our “patio garden”.

I dream all the time about the next garden we’ll build. I have lists of plants and roses and trees I want to include. In the meantime, we volunteer to help care for an extensive vintage rose collection. There is something about the feel of dirt that I miss more than I ever thought I would. Hubby misses the smell of manure in spring. I think we’re just two crazy gardening people!

Fran Sorin September 2, 2016, 3:30 am

I’m sorry for the delay in responding to your comment. Oh boy, I know how you understand. I remember when you moved and gave up your magnificent garden and how you created your lovely terrace garden. But how right you are! Container and raised bed gardening are fine but it is nothing in comparison to digging in the dirt. The smell and feel of it can’t be replaced. Thanks for your comments lovely lady…xo

Fran Sorin September 2, 2016, 3:35 am

Laura- So sorry for the delay in responding to your note. There is something wrong on the back end of the website that is not showing us when new comments have arrived. Anyway, I hope my book was helpful to you in starting your new garden. How is it going? And yes, do sign up for my newsletter on FranSorin.com. I will be providing updates there on what is transpiring with my creative journey in searching out my next garden. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Fran

Fran Sorin September 2, 2016, 3:38 am

Barbara- I’m laughing at what you wrote about your dream. The best way to get rids of weeds is perennials, perennial, and more perennials ….but they need to be robust ones and ideally that are not TOO aggressive but quite assertive…like Macleya cordata, Joe Pye’s weed, Veronicastrum…and so many more. You don’t need to start with many….within a few years, they’ll take over the place!! Keep on dreaming!! xo

Fran Sorin September 2, 2016, 3:40 am

Joyce- This is such a terrific story. You’re a great example of someone who dreamed and then lo and behold, it came true. How lovely! Thanks for sharing. Fran

Fran Sorin September 2, 2016, 3:41 am

Ross, Thanks so much for sharing. I think for so many of us, the garden is a place where we find peace, serenity, beauty, and gratitude. Fran

Kris Vasser September 3, 2016, 9:46 am

Two houses I’ve lived in ‘sold’ because of my gardens. Now waiting (albeit impatiently) for the season to change so I can rearrange my current garden to fit the sun patterns. Have had to live here a year to see/feel what will work best for the plants and my esthetics

James September 5, 2016, 7:16 am

I love the second picture so much, you said you had been dreaming about a country garden, So do I. I hope one day, I have a nice garden as the picture. God bless you and keep you safe, Fran Sorin!

John Anderson November 5, 2017, 5:34 am

Thanks for the Great Ideas, I love gardening, but couldn’t make it possible. the reason I am living on rent flat house.I have a dream one day I would be able to have a great garden like yours.

Fran Sorin December 30, 2017, 11:33 pm

John- Keep on dreaming. Our beliefs do have a profound impact on our lives. Have a healthy and happy New Year. Fran

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