My Garden’s Blue Belly Lizards

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

If you garden in the Southwest, doubtless you have Western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis), also known as blue bellies. They do push-up displays on boulders and scurry if you get too close. They’re part of my garden’s ecosystem, and I’m grateful to them for eating insects. Other than that, I seldom gave them a thought…until recently. Boys visited this summer—my[...]

Laura Eubanks’ Succulent Tapestry Design Secrets

– Posted in: Garden Design, Miscellaneous, Succulents

San Diego garden designer Laura Eubanks is helping me launch a series of events in my garden! Laura’s one-hour succulent tapestry installation takes place on Saturday, March 28 and includes catered refreshments and a tour of my newly refurbished garden located 45 minutes NE of San Diego. (Space is extremely limited. $150 per person. Email[...]

I Have Faith

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

Republishing this post from last Christmas Eve. To be a gardener, you must have faith.  You must believe you can coax life to bend to your will.  You are a god. This is a spiritual time of year, and a time to renew faith in God.  Whether a personal god, the pagan gods, or a[...]

Time for Action – Kids Outdoors

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

I opened my morning newspaper (yes, dating me…) and felt sick.  Not because of global wars, ebola, climate change, or because the Giants had lost to the Dodgers. The full page ad on the back of Section A is from NBCUniversal and Comcast, my local cable giant, proudly announcing they are “bringing media and technology together[...]