living wreath

Create a Cold-Tolerant Succulent Wreath

– Posted in: Succulents

This lovely succulent wreath is suitable for regions of the US where winters are as cold as 10 to 15 degrees F.  Cold-hardy succulents include small sedums (stonecrops), sempervivums (hens and chicks), and Crassula sarcocaulis (bonsai crassula). Above is Katie Christensen of Waterwise Botanicals Nursery with a wreath she and I made for YouTube.   Materials include a [...]

How to Make a Succulent Wreath

– Posted in: Succulents

  To make a succulent wreath, you’ll need about 100 cuttings, a wire wreath form, 24-gauge florist’s wire, a chopstick or ballpoint pen for poking holes, and a bag of sphagnum moss. The form, moss and wire are available at any crafts store. You don’t need soil; the cuttings will root right into the moss. [...]

Of Succulent Wreaths and Cuttings

– Posted in: Succulents

I’m often asked to recommend sources of succulent cuttings for wreaths, topiaries and other projects. Unfortunately, most online sources sell cuttings for around $1/apiece, which means a wreath—not counting its moss-packed wire donut—may cost $100 to make. But pre-made wreaths available this time of year not only cost much less, they’re also a great source [...]