cut flowers

Vase Envy

– Posted in: Succulents

Do you remember the first time you were enchanted by cut flowers in a vase? Although each element was lovely on its own, combined they were amazing. My mother filled jars with nasturtiums, which grew in sunny patches in the avocado orchard. Unfortunately, they last only two days before they start to look tired. Aren’t we always looking for flowers with [...]

Proteas Please and Tease Me

– Posted in: Garden Adventures

The Proteaceae family was named after the mythical god Proteus, son of Poseidon, because the flowers have so many forms. Proteus could foretell the future, but changed his shape so he didn’t have to. Doesn’t the king protea above look like a snow cone? And this banksia, a corn cob? The petals feel like coated [...]