Fire Recovery in Northern California

– Posted in: Garden Photography, Miscellaneous

The devastating Northern California firestorm that swept through Mendocino,  Napa, and Sonoma Counties in October left the earth scorched.

California woodland landscape after 2017 Sonoma fires, Pepperwood Preserve

Now less than three months later we begin to see the landscape recovering. With a few inches of blessed rain since the fires, the annual grasses have started to green up, creating a eerie juxtaposition to the blackened trees.

Clearing out the understory is a periodic process that can be disastrous for homes built in the woodlands, but an opportunity for an ecological cleansing. The California landscape has evolved with fire, indeed, the native Americans regularly burned grasslands to regenerate grasses and keep down the shrubs.

California native landscape, recovery after fires, Pepperwood Preserve

All of the leaves on these trees below were scorched, this is not autumn foliage color, and when the land recovers in the spring it will look like a green park.

Burned Oaks backlit, California native landscape after 2017 Sonoma fires

Walking in these woodlands now is a raw experience, not ready for human interpretation.  Nature just wants to recover and not be watched. I feel like I am trespassing in a boudoir; the woods are bare, naked, the underbrush is mostly gone. There are no birds.

Yet, there is a determined beauty. The landscape has been abruptly transformed, but it is not dead.

Burned Oak trees on hillside, grass recovering; Fire damage and recovery from Nuns fire October 2017, Sonoma Valley Regional Park, California

California Oaks evolved with fire and now, after a conflagration, these trees show their strength in new ways. It will take many months to fully evaluate which trees will survive, and years for the landscape to recover but the signs are  already unmistakable.

Leaves are resprouting:

Some trees are even trying to flower:

Charred saplings are putting up fresh growth from the scorched earth:

Acorns are cracking open and putting down roots.

Bunch grasses are rejuvenating:

Grass resprouting, California native landscape, recovery after 2017 Sonoma fires

In some places ashy remnants seem to be pools of destruction in a surreal landscape of fire ravaged trees, some burned charcoal,  some an ashen gray, some with browned, scorched leaves still hanging on them.

Oak tree ghost ashes on blackened earth from Sonoma Nuns fire October 2017.

Some of the trees look like standing ghosts.

Burned Oak trees with ashen trunks; fire damage from Nuns fire October 2017, Sonoma Valley Regional Park, California

Other trees simply burned black.

Majestic Oak tree burned; Fire damage and recovery from Nuns fire October 2017, Sonoma Valley Regional Park, California

I find these trees to be a extraordinarily beautiful and I don’t know why I am not sad.  They may be dead; they are certainly damaged, but without a human to determine beauty or function, the trees just are; strong, silent, and nobleconnecting the earth and the sky.

Grasses resprouting under blackened Oak trees and burned Manzanita ; fire damage and recovery Sonoma Valley Regional Park

Recovery will take years and it surely will look different once we know which trees survived.  It will be beautiful still.

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Saxon Holt
Saxon Holt is the owner of, a garden picture resource for photographs, on-line workshops, and garden photography stories. An award winning photojournalist and Fellow of The Garden Writers Association with more than 25 garden books, he lives and gardens in Northern California. PhotoBotanic - Garden Photography online at
Saxon Holt

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Lisa at Greenbow December 28, 2017, 7:36 am

It is amazing that anything can survive those fires. Such emotional photos. Devastation, hope all in one.

Rick Laughlin, APLD December 28, 2017, 8:11 am

Good to see the burned landscape re-rejuvenating!

Janice M LeCocq December 28, 2017, 9:03 am

Beautiful images and commentary. Thank you, Saxin!

Nicki wiederstein December 28, 2017, 10:16 am

Thank you so much for aftermath of fires. Photography is beautiful. Im excited to see what landscape will look like

Joan Carroll December 28, 2017, 11:04 am

Thanks for your pictures of hope. I live in an area not touched by those
tremendous fires but one of my extended family was living in the
fires area.


Michaele Anderson December 28, 2017, 11:49 am

Your words are as beautiful as your photos. I felt an emotional response to both. Thank you for your wise perspective.

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:39 pm

Thanks Lisa-landscape has evolved to survive fire. To me, what is amazing is what we will see in the next few years as that landscape evolves from what it was before

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:40 pm

Indeed it is Rick! Now if we could just get some more rain here….

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:42 pm

Thanks Janice – I’m pleased with myself for using the term “determined beauty”, as I firmly believe we humans are wired to find beauty in nature

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:42 pm

Thanks Nicki- I intend to keep documenting the recovery, And it will take a couple years before much of the understory comes back

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:45 pm

We tend to forget about catastrophes after the news media moves on, but isn’t it amazing that almost everywhere people are touched with natural disaster they come away thankful for the communities that remain

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 12:48 pm

Thanks Michaele – I am glad I’m not a reporter on the human devastation. I have had to drive through some completely leveled neighborhoods and could not begin to take a picture the loss. I do hope reporting on nature’s recovery will give hope to those who live in the area

Steve Mullany December 28, 2017, 1:25 pm

Thank you for these striking photos Saxon. And for not introducing too much human emotional response by way of your captions. “The trees just are.” As an accomplished photographer with an understanding of design, horticulture and ecology you are uniquely suited to bring us these images. The awful human suffering has been and will continue to be documented. But these haunting scenes of transition also remind me how completely ordinary and routine such events are for the planet.

Saxon Holt December 28, 2017, 3:02 pm

Thanks Steve-it is such an odd position to be in, a human, a blip in the ecological timeline, making observations on nature. There is a determined beauty in all this, but who is to say if it is nature that determines beauty or it is us. Thanks for the kind words.

Ed Morrow December 31, 2017, 10:26 pm

Amazing photographs. They show the way past the immediate devastation and give us some hope for what is to come. Let us also hope that we get some rain to sustain the recovery and regrowth. Thanks again.

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