A Post-Wild Garden Revolution

– Posted in: Garden Musings, Sustainable Gardening

“As our climate changes, so must our gardens”.  So begins the description of the upcoming garden symposium in Santa Rosa, California, Changing Times, Changing Climate: Summit 2016 sponsored by Pacific Horticulture. Whether in California or anywhere in the world that we garden, this message must be heard. Whether or not we agree on the causes, or the timetable,[...]

Why I Love Horticultural Oils

– Posted in: Edible Organic Gardens, Garden Plants

What a lovely surprise to see, in Sunset magazine’s “Best of the West” (April 2016), a friend’s product featured (it’s at top right). Juree Sondker of Portland, Oregon, founder of Horticulture Skin Care, is the acquiring editor at my books’ publisher, Timber Press. She and I got to talking about the many benefits of oils derived from plants, which[...]