matilija poppy

Sweeten Your Writing with Metaphors

– Posted in: Garden Adventures

One of the challenges of being a professional writer is to think metaphorically—to describe an item in terms of something else, so that readers make an association that clarifies, enlightens and perhaps also entertains.  Metaphorical thinking can be learned and is a great memory aid. Food metaphors often occur to me when describing plants. For example, matilija poppies, which have white, crepe-paper petals surrounding yellow centers, [...]

My Matilijas

– Posted in: Garden Adventures

Long before I had my own garden, I was in love with matilija (mah-TIL-eh-ha) poppies. A shrub of what I then called “fried egg flowers” grew near my apartment. It was one of those plants I had to have somehow, someday. And now I do, but like most things this side of Eden, Romneya coulteri is not [...]