
Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Walls and Fences Revisited Wrap-Up

– Posted in: Garden Design

A virtual pot of sweetly scented primroses to all of you who shared your thoughts on and images of garden walls and fences for this month’s Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop. Here are the posts… Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop – Walls and Fences Revisited (Nan at Gardening Gone Wild): Kick-off post for this month’s topic. Good [...]

The Background On Backgrounds

– Posted in: Garden Design

I’m one of those who believe the basic language of visual design applies to almost any topic or media. The ideas that make a successful garden vignette could also be employed to create a pleasing painting, a tempting textile, a beautiful building, or a fine photograph. There is a design language, and it does boast [...]

On the Fence

– Posted in: Garden Design

I’ve tried out and enjoyed many kinds of fences in my gardens over the years. In my last garden, I ended up with a variety of styles, from Screen Fencing to picket fencing. But because they were all either white or green, they all seemed to work together. Not long before I decided to sell [...]